interested in joining the liberty worship team?

We are a SPIRIT-FILLED church passionate about His presence.  The heart of worship at Liberty is to minister to the Lord, seek the FATHER'S heart, proclaim the Gospel in unity, and join in with the song of Heaven.  His presence changes everything.

We are excited that you have expressed interest in the worship team here at Liberty! 

Please see below for our audition process!

First Steps:

  • COMPLETE DISCOVER LIBERTY - Classes are held on the first two Mondays of the month via Zoom. To sign up for the next set of classes, go to Next Steps > Join the Family - Discover Liberty > Class Schedule

Worship Team Interest Form

The Audition Process:

1. VIDEO SUBMISSION - The first step in the audition process is to submit a video of yourself singing or playing your desired instrument. Ideally, we would like this to showcase you only. If you are a vocalist, sing along to a track, or have someone accompany you on acoustic guitar or piano. If you are a musician, create a video of yourself playing by yourself or to a pre-recorded song. If you do use an accompaniment of any sort, please be sure the audio is balanced in a way that YOU are heard over anything else. Please choose a song that represents the style of worship we typically do in our regular services here at the church. The video does NOT need to be anything fancy. A video from your phone will work well as long as we can hear YOU. 

To submit your video, please email your video to

Once we receive your video, we will have an initial evaluation. We will then contact you to let you know if we feel you are a potential fit for our worship teams. If so, we will set up a live audition.

2. LIVE AUDITION (BY INVITATION ONLY) -  We try to schedule these to accommodate your schedule as best as possible.  Your audition will be with the Worship Pastor but may also include other members from the team to evaluate you on your skill.  The initial video audition can give us an idea of how well you sing or play your instrument but doesn’t give us a good perspective on how well you do within a team/band environment. This is the purpose of the live audition.  Following the live audition, we will contact you to let you know if we feel that you would be a good fit for our teams or if there may be a better area for you to serve and use your gifting. 

If invited to move forward in the process: